Change Owner To Juristic

Change owner your mobile number to the company account

Service Details

Easier-to-manage company’s numbers. Change owner of a mobile number from a residential person to a juristic person is easy, fast, and immediately ready for use. Request to transfer mobile number to register as a juristic person via the AIS eBusiness Portal 24 hours.

  • Type  1:Customers who have a blank SIM card that has not yet been registered can use it to register a new mobile number in the name of a juristic person immediately via the AIS eBusiness Portal.
  • Type  2: Customers who have a SIM card already registered to a residential person can also apply for change owner of the subscription holder to register as a juristic person via the AIS eBusiness Portal.


Control costs

Control employee expenses within the organization

 Deductible as company expenses

Service fee bills can be issued in the name of  a juristic person


Manage online 24 hours


Customers who have a SIM card already registered to a residential person can also apply forchange owner of the subscription holder to register as a juristic person via the AIS eBusiness Portal.

Inform the original number subscription holder that there will be a request made to transfer the holder registration to that of a juristic person.

Log in to use the system of the AIS eBusiness Portal and access the menu for “Request to transfer the holder to a corporate number” and then fill in the mobile number.
Select your SME package or use the original package already in use.
Fill out the information of the person who making the transaction and upload the documents for the transfer request.
The holder of the original number must click “confirm” upon reciept of the SMS notification for the process.
confirmation email in your inbox.

 Customers who have a blank SIM card that has not yet been activated can use it to register a new mobile number in the name of a juristic person.

Prepare the blank SIM card that has not yet been activated.

Log in to use the system of the AIS eBusiness Portal and access the menu for “Register a new number” and fill out the required information of the mobile number and SIM serial number.
Select your SME package.
Fill out the information of the person who making the transaction and select the number.
Wait for a confirmation email in your email inbox.

ประสบการณ์การใช้งานจริงจาก Little Zoo Garden ที่เลือกโอนเปลี่ยนเบอร์ส่วนตัวเป็นชื่อบริษัทผ่านช่องทางออนไลน์ AIS eBusiness Portal เพื่อช่วยบริหารเบอร์องค์กรได้ง่ายขึ้น

Little Zoo Garden ธุรกิจคาเฟ่บรรยากาศอบอุ่น พร้อมกับสัตว์เลี้ยงน่ารักหลากหลายสายพันธุ์ จากจุดเริ่มต้นการทำร้านด้วยใจรัก สู่การเติบโตของธุรกิจมาเป็นรูปแบบบริษัท ทำให้เลือกใช้บริการโอนเบอร์เดิมที่จดทะเบียนในนามบุคลลมาเป็นชื่อบริษัท (Change Owner To Juristic) ผ่านช่องทางออนไลน์ AIS eBusiness Portal เพื่อช่วยบริหารเบอร์องค์กรได้ง่ายขึ้น ทำให้สามารถควบคุมค่าใช้จ่ายในนามบริษัทได้อย่างเป็นระบบ และไม่ต้องเปลี่ยนเบอร์เดิมที่ใช้งานอยู่แล้ว สะดวก ง่าย รวดเร็ว ใช้งานได้ทันที

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Juristic person customers who have already subscribed to the AIS eBusiness Portal service can request change owner of subscription holders via the system immediately.
  2. In the event the customer has not yet subscribed to the AIS eBusiness Portal service, they can learn how to apply for the service at the AIS eBusiness Portal Click

  1. It must be a prepaid or postpaid SIM card within the AIS network that has not yet been activitated only.
  2. In addition, certain prepaid SIM cards cannot be used in the process and/or SIM cards that are prohibited from changing packages, such as:
    • SIM2Fly group
    • Net Marathon group
    • Myanmar and Cambodia SIM group

  • In the case that the original subscription holder’s number is in the prepaid system > the set-up process can only be carried out when the money amount held in the top-up wallet is at 0 baht.
  • In the case that the original subscription holder’s number is in the postpaid system > the set-up process can only be carried out when the original subscription holder has paid all outstanding balances.

  • Customers can inquire about the procedures or applying for the service via email at Email: and Facebook page of AIS Business